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19 Classic Ghost Stories

19 Classic Ghost Stories

Does Man survive death? Are ghosts real? Are spirits really trying to communicate with us? After reading this collection of 19 classic ghost stories, you just may become a believer. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Present at a Hanging A Cold Greeting A Wireless Message An Arrest A Man with Two Lives Three and One are One A Baffled Ambuscade Two Military Executions The Isle of Pines A Fruitless Assignment A...

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Historic Ghosts & Ghost Hunters

Historic Ghosts & Ghost Hunters

Psychical research may be roughly yet sufficiently described as an effort to determine by strictly scientific methods the nature and significance of apparitions, hauntings, spiritistic phenomena, and those other weird occurrences that would seem to confirm the idea that the spirits of the dead can and do communicate with the living. In this ebook is a collection of ghost stories from throughout...

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Humorous Ghost Stories

Humorous Ghost Stories

This 179-page ebook is a collection of ghost stories where the ghosts are not your typical scary spook. No, here we have ghosts that are ... humorous. The spook in these stories is possessed not only of humor but of a caustic satire as well. His jest is likely to have more than one point to it, and he can haunt so insidiously, can make himself so at home in his host's study or bedroom that a man...

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Real Ghost Stories

Real Ghost Stories

Ghosts, spirits, apparitions ... the reality of the "Invisibles" is no longer a speculation. The spirits of the departed, given the right conditions, can and do communicate with the physical world. The time has surely come when the fair claim of ghosts to the impartial attention and careful observation of mankind should no longer be ignored. In earlier times people believed in them so much that...

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Strange Visitors: Dictated Through a Clairvoyant

Strange Visitors: Dictated Through a Clairvoyant

Master Resell Rights Included! The phenomena of ghosts or apparitions are thought by many to be mere illusions, and by some attributed to peculiar electrical conditions; while others seek their solution in an abnormal state of the brain; and others still believe them to be those who have passed beyond the grave. Assuming the hypothesis that spirits of the departed were in a condition to...

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The Book of Dreams & Ghosts

The Book of Dreams & Ghosts

In this 130-page eBook, you will read about such things as the most common features of ghosts and dreams, waking dreams, spirits of the living and spirits of the dying, astral body, haunted houses, animals as affected by the presence of apparitions, crystal gazing, and much more. TABLE OF CONTENTS: CHAPTER I Arbuthnot on Political Lying. Begin with “Great Swingeing Falsehoods”. The Opposite...

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The Phantom World

The Phantom World

The History & Philosophy of Spirits & Apparitions In this 599-page ebook (two volumes in one), you will read in-depth the history and philosophy of spirits and apparitions, spanning many decades. Here you will find cases of demoniacal possession, and instances of returns from the world of spirits, which were reputed to be of no uncommon occurrence. Some of the chapters are: Magic of the...

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The Shadow World

The Shadow World

This 178-page ebook presents cases of ghosts and apparitions brought about by mediumship: The following is an excerpt: "I could place every one in the room at the moment. I could see the psychic distinctly. I could discern the color of his coat and the expression of his face. He stood at least six feet from the opening in the curtain. At his second cry, in which I detected a note of entreaty, I...

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